Welcome to Juriko – a law firm focusing on human and social rights.

You are welcome to contact the firm with any questions and legal matters. We are specialised in the main areas below. The firm is located in Gothenburg.


LSS and personal assistance

The aim of the Act on support and services for certain disabled people (LSS) is that disabled people should be able to live like others. The law is based on the United Nations International Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and is the result of a long struggle for equal rights; a struggle at least as important as for other vulnerable groups. Unfortunately, municipalities and Försäkringskassan often make narrow assessments, and sometimes you as an applicant receive a less than professional treatment. Taking help from a lawyer can make a big difference on the outcome and provide security during the handling of the case.


Is Sweden not your home country? Are you seeking asylum, or are you a foreign student or worker? The agency has long experience of working with migration law. We can assist you in all kinds of matters concerning your rights as a foreign citizen in Sweden. Without an interpreter present, we can communicate in Swedish and English.

Other social security matters

As a citizen of Swedish society, you have social rights according to law. Försäkringskassan and the country’s unemployment funds sometimes make incorrect assessments and, not infrequently, it involves significant amounts. These matters are not normally covered by any home insurance and it is not easy to find a lawyer at a price you can afford – especially if you have just lost an important benefit or become liable for repayment. Therefore you are offered an individual cost solution adapted to where you are in life, with the possibility of payment after the case has been settled.